What's New and Exciting for Drupal Websites in Content Editing in 2023

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ImageX Media has recently published an insightful blog post highlighting the latest trends and tools for content editing on a Drupal website in 2023. Content editing is crucial for keeping websites fresh and engaging, and Drupal continues to offer innovative ways to enhance editorial efficiency.

One of the key highlights in the ImageX article is the revamped CKEditor 5, which promises a significant improvement in text editing experiences. Additionally, the integration of OpenAI/ChatGPT services into the Drupal admin UI has opened up possibilities for AI-powered content editing tasks, including content generation, translation, and more.

The article also explores the benefits of the new Claro admin theme, which provides a clean and minimalistic interface for content editors, making navigation and interaction smoother. It emphasizes Drupal's position as a composable content management system, allowing flexible content creation and management.

Furthermore, the article introduces the Bootstrap UI Kit module, a developer-oriented tool that centralizes all front-end components, offering content editors a visual understanding of how website components function. Accessibility remains a top priority, with the article offering 10 tips for creating accessible content. Finally, the Scheduler module, with its revamped version 2.0, is highlighted for its ability to schedule not only content but also media items and third-party entities.

Drupal continues to evolve, offering content editors various tools and trends to enhance their content editing experience in 2023. Whether it's adopting new themes, integrating AI services, or ensuring accessibility, Drupal remains at the forefront of content management. To implement these features, website owners may need to upgrade their Drupal core version or configure contributed modules, and custom coding can always be an option for tailored solutions. 

More information on the latest trends in content editing in Drupal can be accessed here.

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