DrupalCon Warm-Up Tour: Join the Brussels Meetup

The Drupal Association France et Francophonie is set to kick off the DrupalCon Warm-Up Tour, and the first stop is in the heart of Brussels. Join us on Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CEST for an evening of Drupal insights, networking, and community spirit.

Brussels has been selected as the inaugural stage for the Warm-Up Tour of DrupalCon Lille 2023, a globally renowned gathering that brings together thousands of individuals from around the world who are passionate about Drupal. Whether you use Drupal, develop for it, design with it, or provide support, this event is for you!

The Meetup will be hosted at Smile, a prominent company that proudly serves as the Diamond Sponsor for DrupalCon Lille 2023. This promises to be a unique opportunity to connect with fellow Drupal enthusiasts, share your experiences, and gain valuable insights into the future of Drupal.

To ensure smooth organization, we kindly request that you register for the Drupal Meetup via the provided form (link below). This will help us make the event an enjoyable and informative experience for all attendees.


But that's not all! In preparation for DrupalCon in Lille, we are excited to announce that this year will feature face-to-face meetings. Each month, a Meetup will take place in a different city in France or a French-speaking country, creating even more opportunities for Drupal aficionados to come together and share their passion.

For those unable to attend the Meetup in person, fret not. The event will be recorded and made available on the Drupal France YouTube channel shortly after, ensuring that Drupal insights and community connections are accessible to all.

For more information and to register for the Drupal Meetup, please visit the official event page here: Drupal Meetup chez Smile à Bruxelles ce 28 septembre 2023 (drupalfr.be) We look forward to seeing you in Brussels as we embark on this exciting DrupalCon Warm-Up Tour. Let's make it a memorable gathering of the Drupal community!

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