Upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 10: A Vital Digital Move

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Scott Weston's article on Bounteous delves into the evolution of Drupal, shedding light on the features that Drupal 7 users might be missing out on. The article “The Evolution of Drupal: Discover the Features D7 Users Are Missing Out On” strongly emphasizes the urgency for organizations still relying on Drupal 7 to consider upgrading to newer versions.

At the DrupalCon Pittsburgh held in June 2023, the Drupal Association announced an extension of support for Drupal 7, granting users an additional 15 months until January 2025. However, organizations keen on excelling in the digital world are advised not to delay their migration plans.

Drupal 7, set to retire at the age of 14, has witnessed significant shifts in web trends over the years. While minor enhancements were introduced during its lifespan, no major core features have been added since Drupal 8's release in November 2015. As a result, Drupal 7 has become a functional relic, missing out on numerous innovations incorporated into the platform since then.

Modern Drupal, particularly Drupal 10, offers a highly flexible and modular architecture, easily accommodating enterprise-specific needs. Additionally, Drupal 10 excels in multichannel capabilities, facilitating consistent and engaging digital experiences. It also prioritizes search engine optimization (SEO), offering features that enhance search rankings and visibility. It provides robust content management tools, enabling enterprises to handle complex content ecosystems across various digital touchpoints efficiently.

Overall, Scott Weston highlights that upgrading to Drupal 10 is essential for organizations using Drupal 7. This transition allows them to leverage enhanced flexibility, scalability, marketing capabilities, and SEO features, ensuring competitiveness in the digital era. For a detailed read, visit the website.

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