Unlocking Drupal's AI Potential: Evolution and Module Insights

The upcoming session at DrupalCon Lille titled "AI in Drupal: Evolution, Modules, and Possibilities," sponsored by FFW, promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into the Drupal ecosystem. Led by Jorge Lopez-lago, this session will delve into the historical context and the current state of AI within Drupal.

While the rapid advancement of AI technology has left many puzzled, it's essential to recognize that AI has been a part of Drupal for several years, with both older implementations and new solutions that align with the latest AI services. This session aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of AI's evolution in Drupal and the available AI services.

Participants can expect valuable takeaways from this session. They will gain insights into the historical development of AI in Drupal, discover the AI services that can be effectively harnessed within the Drupal framework, and identify recommended modules for kickstarting AI-powered functionality.

Scheduled for Thursday, October 19, 2023, from 10:15 to 10:30, in the Open stage room, this session falls under the sponsored talk track. It is designed to be accessible to participants at the beginner level, making it an inclusive opportunity for anyone eager to explore the synergy between AI and Drupal. Regardless of their roles, whether Drupal developers, product owners, or digital strategists, attendees will leave with a clearer comprehension of the potential AI holds within the Drupal ecosystem.

Secure your seats for DrupalCon Lille 2023. Get more information here.

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We are looking for volunteers to go live for The Drop Times @ DrupalCon Lille 2023. Please get in touch with us if you are interested.

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