Four Kitchens and Focus Lab Delves on Rebranding Success


Four Kitchens, renowned for its web development expertise and its dedication to mission-driven organizations, recently partnered with Focus Lab to embark on a critical rebranding journey. As Four Kitchens expanded globally following a merger with Advomatic and in anticipation of an acquisition, the need for a customized brand identity to support its growth became evident. In a comprehensive discussion in the episode of  Debrief, Focus Lab CEO Bill Kenney engaged with Todd Ross Nienkerk from Four Kitchens to discuss their collaborative efforts that resulted in a rebranding success.

The conversation delved into the pivotal aspects of the rebrand, including the decision-making process that prompted this transformation and the challenges encountered during the effort. They also discussed the rewarding aspects and potential returns of this ambitious project. Notably, the interview concluded with insights, providing advice for individuals or organizations considering a rebrand and contemplating the feasibility of handling the process in-house.

Focus Lab's expertise in creating transformative B2B brands, combined with Four Kitchens' technical excellence, has led to a rebranding effort that promises to position Four Kitchens as an industry leader, ready to embrace its future with confidence.


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