Exploring the Features of Gin Admin Theme: Day 1

Advent Calander

LostCarPark unveiled the Gin Admin Theme as the highlight behind Door 1 of the 2023 Drupal Advent Calendar. Developed as an extension to the default Claro admin theme since Drupal 10, the Gin Admin Theme introduces practical features for site builders and administrators. Maintained by Sascha Eggenberger, a contributor to Claro and the Drupal Design System, the theme ensures compliance with Drupal best practices. Noteworthy functionalities include:

  • A customizable accent color for UI elements.
  • A menu display overhaul with vertical or horizontal options.
  • A user-friendly dark mode.

The theme lets users personalize their experience and enhances content editing with sticky controls and a collapsible panel. With its module ecosystem, including the Gin toolbar and Gin login, the Gin Admin Theme adds versatility to Drupal's administrative interface, making it a compelling choice for those seeking to enhance their Drupal experience. To access Ludovic Favre's article, please click here.

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