Enhancing User Engagement: Personalized Website Experience at TGA

representations of user experience and interface design

Morpht and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) recently showcased a personalized website experience during the GovCMS Mega Meetup. The presentation highlighted the benefits of personalization, such as enhancing user engagement and satisfaction, especially on government information-based sites. 

The TGA website's personalization approach focused on developing user profiles for various dimensions, including audience, topic, product type, and service. The presentation also emphasized the importance of balancing personalization with generalization in user journey design and respecting user privacy by not collecting personally identifiable information.

The audience raised insightful questions, including queries about handling audience-specific content, shared devices, user testing, privacy considerations, and the technology used for personalization. The team provided comprehensive responses, explaining the practical solutions adopted, the absence of personally identifiable data collection, and the use of client-side code and standard modules available on the SaaS platform for implementation. 

Title: Are you talking to me?
Byline: Murray Woodman
Date of Publication: 7 December 2023
Organization: Morpht
URL: https://www.morpht.com/blog/are-you-talking-me

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