The VentureFizz Podcast: Dries Buytaert on Drupal and Acquia's Journey

The latest episode of The VentureFizz Podcast, featuring Dries Buytaert, the founder and project lead of Drupal and co-founder, CTO, and Chief Strategy Officer of Acquia, delves into the origins and growth of the Drupal open-source project and Acquia's innovative business model. Starting as an online message board from his dorm room in Belgium in 2000, Buytaert's Drupal now powers 2% of all websites globally, with over 10,000 contributors annually. 

The podcast also covers Acquia's early challenges and success under the leadership of Tom Erickson and the significant role of sales and marketing in entrepreneurship, as emphasized by Buytaert. The discussion provides insights into building successful tech communities and the evolution of digital experience platforms.

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