Drupal Media Library vs DAM: Evolving Web Throws Light
Digital Asset Management (DAM) is essential for organizations looking to manage their digital assets throughout their lifecycle effectively. The Drupal Media Library is a module in the Drupal content management system (CMS) that provides a central repository for managing media assets such as images, videos, and audio files. A recent blog post published by Evolving Web walks us through the main difference between them and the uses of integrating both.
While Drupal Media Library serves as a source for managing media files, it lacks several features that a comprehensive DAM solution like Acquia DAM by Widen can provide. Acquia DAM by Widen serves as a central hub and primary source of truth that facilitates the efficient management, organization, and distribution of digital assets with speed, intention, and control.
It enables a centralized repository of accessible assets across the organization, reduces duplicate asset storage costs, and helps to identify duplicate files and store the highest resolution version. With Acquia DAM + Drupal, users can
- search and select assets from DAM in the Drupal WYSIWYG editor
- position and align images from DAM through embed codes
- track and manage which assets are being used where across Drupal sites
- configure and govern granular permissions to manage access to assets in Drupal
- save storage space in Drupal by storing assets as media entity references linked back to DAM and
- support requirements for SEO, site responsiveness, and accessibility.
When considering whether to stick with Drupal Media Library or integrate DAM into your workflow, it is important to consider factors like the number of people who need access to your assets, the speed at which you need transformation, and whether your storage space is limited. With Drupal's flexibility and DAM's power, organizations can effectively manage and distribute their digital assets. Read the blog post to know more.