Total of $507,500 Requested; Pitch-Burgh Receives Entries World Over

Photo by Alyssia Wilson on Unsplash

DrupalCon took to Twitter to announce the number of entries and amount received for DrupalCon Pitch-burgh. A total of 35 submissions with $507,500 was requested. Submissions came from all over the world, including Vietnam, the Netherlands, Germany, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Peru.

Pitch-Burgh is a pitching and innovation contest for entrepreneurs. The announcement was made on Dries Buytaert's blog and was inspired by the American television program "Shark Tank." 'Pitch-Burgh' is a fitting moniker for the competition that will take place in conjunction with DrupalCon Pittsburgh.

The Drupal Association has secured over $75,000 to be distributed among the most compelling proposals received by May 25th, with no minimum limit on the size of the proposals, meaning a $1,000 "quick fix" is just as eligible as a $20,000 proposal.

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