Drupal Association Welcomes Simba Ndemera as New CFO/COO

Drupal Association Welcomes Simba Ndemera as New CFO/COO

The Drupal Association announced the appointment of Simba Ndemera as its Chief Financial and Operations Officer, effective April 2024. Boasting nearly three decades of extensive experience in finance, auditing, and accounting, Simba brings a wealth of expertise to his new role. His background in nonprofit finance and accounting further strengthens his ability to contribute effectively.

Simba is renowned for his adeptness in implementing innovative processes and technologies, ensuring operational excellence wherever he goes. Beyond his professional achievements, Simba's commitment to community service underscores his dedication to making a positive impact in people's lives.

With a fervent enthusiasm for advancing open-source technology and empowering communities, Simba eagerly embraces his new position within the Drupal Association. His vision aligns seamlessly with the organization's mission, promising a fruitful partnership in driving progress and inclusivity within the tech landscape.

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