Malaysian Drupal Community to Host 2023's First Contribution Sprint

The Malaysian Drupal community is hosting 2023's first Drupal Contribution Event on 2023 January 07, at 16:00 UTC +08 at Desa Pandan, Kampung Pandan, Kuala Lumpur 50600, Malaysia. This event aims to bring together the Malaysian Drupal community at large. Details can be accessed from Drupal Malaysia's Facebook page

Drupal Malaysia will be celebrating the official launch of Drupal 10, getting to know everyone, and will teach how to contribute to Drupal and possibly earn some credits. This will be a great way to meet fellow Drupal experts and enthusiasts! 

Who can join?

Everybody! Whether you are entirely new to Drupal or an seasoned Drupal veteran, anyone interested in Drupal is invited to join. You do not need experience working with Drupal or contributing to open-source projects. All participants who are interested in (learning) contributing, it would really help if you prepare the following:

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