Drush 11 Released

Drupal Contributions

Drush 11.0.0-rc1 was released yesterday, November 9th, 2021.  It is almost ready. Drush is a command-line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal.

Drupal 8 support has been removed. Drush 11 will issue a warning if Drupal 8 is used to enable it. There are quite a few new features that are useful and lots of updated packages. The command API remains unchanged so little to no changes are required. Drush 11 will soon be the only recommended version for Drupal 9 sites.

 Drush core comes with lots of useful commands for interacting with codes of modules, themes and profiles. It also runs on update.php, executes SQL queries and DB migrations, and can be run on cron or to clear the cache. Developers can use the generate command, which jump-starts your coding project by writing ready-to-customize PHP and YML files. Drush can be extended by 3rd party command files too.

Main points include:

  • The Generator API has changed. Very few contributed or custom modules ship with generators so minimal impact.
  • Commands can now be authored using PHP8 Attributes instead of annotations. Annotations are still supported.

Being an Open Source tool, Drush is supported and maintained by contributors. Drush was originally developed by Arto Bendiken for Drupal 4.7.  Main contributions to developing Drush are done by Moshe Weitzman followed by Joe Shindelar (eojthebrave), Ivan (Chi-teck), alexpott, Bart Langelaan (bartlangelaan) and Plach(plach79).


  • https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/releases/tag/11.0.0-rc1
  • https://www.drush.org/latest/

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