Revolutionizing Multi-Author Content on Drupal Nodes


Michael Anello recently shared insights on tackling the challenge of incorporating multiple authors for a single Drupal node. In his blog post on Drupal Easy, Michael Anello delved into a method that could revolutionize the way authors collaborate on content within the Drupal ecosystem.

Anello's curiosity was piqued by the lack of a readily implemented solution for managing multiple authors within modern Drupal versions such as 8, 9, or 10. To address this, he employed his Drupal network through platforms like Slack and social media, even seeking assistance from AI-based tools like ChatGPT, albeit with limited success.

The resulting discussion yielded several intriguing suggestions, including the relatively new "Node Co-Authors" module, the well-established "Access by Reference" module, and the dynamic "ECA module" which has been gaining momentum.

Anello decided to leverage this topic as a point of discussion during the weekly DrupalEasy office hours, an exclusive opportunity for their long-form training course students and graduates. He embarked on a systematic exploration, commencing with research into the "Access by Reference" module due to its perceived flexibility and user-friendly nature. 

With the innovative approach shared in the blog post to accommodating multiple authors on Drupal nodes, Michael Anello has contributed a valuable resource to the Drupal community. As content collaboration continues to evolve, solutions like these offer new dimensions of flexibility and user empowerment.

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