Boosting SEO with Simple XML Sitemap Module in Drupal: A Guide

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Christin Hume / Unsplashed

Acquia has published a tutorial by Matt Wetmore, Senior Director of Web Operations, titled, "A Beginner's Guide to Installing the Simple XML Sitemap Module in Drupal". Installing the Simple XML Sitemap Module in Drupal is a crucial step for enhancing a website's search engine visibility.

The XML sitemap generated by this module serves as a roadmap for search engines, allowing them to understand and navigate a website's structure efficiently. By following the outlined steps, website owners and administrators can optimize their Drupal site for better search engine rankings.

The first step involves adding the Simple XML Sitemap module to the codebase, typically done via Composer. Once added, enabling the module makes it available for configuration and use. The tutorial emphasizes essential settings, such as regenerating the sitemap on Cron runs and configuring the default base URL to ensure that the sitemap remains up-to-date and relevant.

Furthermore, the tutorial highlights the significance of content inclusion in the sitemap, providing guidance on enabling content types for inclusion. Users can configure individual content types, such as articles, to be included in the sitemap, enhancing their site's search engine optimization (SEO). This step-by-step guide from Acquia simplifies the process of harnessing the power of the Simple XML Sitemap module for improved website visibility and SEO. 

For a detailed read, visit the website

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