Bug Smash Initiative: Achieves 27% Reduction in Drupal Core Bugs

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The Bug Smash initiative, launched in May 2020 to reduce bugs in Drupal core, has marked a significant milestone after three years. According to recent statistics by Griffyn Heels, the initiative has successfully achieved a commendable 27% reduction in the number of bugs within Drupal core, showcasing the collaborative efforts of the community.

Following a comprehensive survey that garnered global responses, the Bug Smash community has overwhelmingly voted to continue the initiative in its current form and expand its goals. Respondents emphasized the importance of focusing on critical, long-standing issues, exploring official sponsorship, triaging, and issue management, and adopting a component-focused approach to address bugs in specific areas. Positive feedback highlighted the initiative's impact on renewing interest in working on Drupal core and attracting new contributors.

In response to community feedback, Bug Smash has decided to maintain its focus on bugs for another year while expanding its goals. The initiative aims to enhance efficiency by moving meetings to a monthly schedule, reducing daily triage to one item per day, and keeping its original goal of achieving a 5% reduction in Drupal Core's bugs by October 2024. The decision to prioritize quantity and quality reflects the community's desire to balance addressing challenging issues while ensuring accessibility for new contributors. 

The Bug Smash initiative invites those interested in contributing to join the #bugsmash channel in the Drupal Slack community to participate in this collaborative effort to improve the Drupal core further.

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