Cheers Drupal Rector! Even Contributed Modules Get Drupal 10 Readiness Patch

A computer terminal running code

Drupal 9.4 is already out and this news headline might be one week old for a Drupal focused news website. But still, it is something to be specially mentioned.

Thanks to Drupal Rector, a tool developed by  and  Pronovix, most of the Drupal 9 modules and themes can be automatically fixed to adapt it for Drupal 10. The tool can fix many of the deprecated API uses needed to make a module Drupal 10 compatible.

Although  using Drupal Rector  is not difficult, running it manually on all Drupal 9 projects would have taken hundreds of developer hours to complete. To accelerate upgrading of modules to Drupal 10 the Drupal Association has partnered with Acquia and Palantir to automatically provide patches generated by Drupal Rector for all contributed modules possible.

For many modules these patches will be able to make the modules fully compatible with Drupal 10. For some modules it will still be necessary for a developer to manually replace other deprecated API uses.

Patches will also be provided for contributed themes.

These patches will be posted to issues created by the Project Update Bot  which was also used for the same purpose in the Drupal 8 to 9 upgrade. The bot is not associated with any individual or company and therefore will not affect  issue credits for any individual or company .

Project maintainers can decide if they want to use these patches. If they opt not to run the bot on their projects, remove the “ProjectUpdateBotD10” tag from the issue to stop new patches from being posted. Then close the issue to stop the bot from posting new patches.

Drupal 10.0.0 is scheduled to be released on December 14, 2022. The upgrade from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10 should be even easier than Drupal 8 to 9 was.

“Making a project that’s already compatible with Drupal 9 compatible with Drupal 10 requires removing deprecated API uses. When looking at just one project, there are usually only a few of those that need changing, but when we consider managing over 8,200 Drupal 9 modules on the upgrade process could easily take hundreds or thousands of hours from the Drupal community,” 

Gábor Hojtsy writes in his blog post at

This is where, the automation can help.

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