The Time for Decoupled Drupal is Now
18 Feb 2023, 7:00 am
45 min
The term “Decoupled” has been buzzing around the industry for a while now and in this session, we will pull back the covers to take a look at what it really means and why you should be paying attention. We will go on a journey together to explore the decoupled Drupal landscape and share some of our experiences working with it over the last ~12 months. In this session, we will discuss why now is the time for decoupled Drupal and why organizations looking to upgrade or build a new website should consider it as an option. We will explore topics around:
- What is decoupled Drupal?
- What benefits can decoupled Drupal provide for content and marketing Teams?
- Why now is the right time to consider a transition?
- Key considerations for making a decision
By the end of this session, you should walk away with:
- A good understanding of decoupled Drupal and its current maturity level in the space.
- Why the adoption of decoupled Drupal is increasing and when it should be considered?
- A checklist to help you decide if decoupled is the right choice for your next website build.