Hot Takes! Javascript and the Future of Drupal

6 Jun 2023, 2:00 am
50 minutes

A provocative, entertaining, and ultimately informative tour of the wider web ecosystem and Drupal’s role in it — current and future, with an emphasis on Enterprise use-case and the most ambitious digital experiences. We’ll examine industry trends and ask some hard questions. We’ll delve into some exciting case studies, and look at some sizzling build-outs.

In the end, we’ll hope to have an answer to the question “if Javascript is eating the web, what does that mean for Drupal?” Topics to review include:

Emerging open source web tech like NextJS
Patterns for using Javascript with Drupal - successful and otherwise
What business dynamics are driving these changes
The death of the “themer” and the new balance between dev and design
What Drupal (and you) need to do to succeed in the next generation of the web

Come to learn and share your experience. We are working on special guest cameos, and hoping for a lively Q&A session.

(Sponsored by Pantheon)

When: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - 11:30 to 12:20 EDT
Room: Room 325
Track: leadership, management & business

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, people should have a much better understanding of the wider web technology ecosystem, and the opportunity for Drupal in an evolving technology landscape.


A provocative, entertaining, and ultimately informative tour of the wider web ecosystem and Drupal’s role in it - we'll ask and answer“if Javascript is eating the web, what does that mean for Drupal?”

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